"I could not at any age be content to take my place in a corner by the fireside and simply look on."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Sad in the Southwest...Movin' On

Well our 6 years in the southwest have come to a stand still for now. We are heading back to the midwest to be with family and friends who have been so dearly missed for what seems like such a short time.
Erik has been stressed out about such a big move...."it will all come together," I tell him. Our house is looking less like home and more like the aftermath of a small dust devil having come through. He lights a stick of incense maybe giving home that one last memory of our adored smells. Chicken is cooking for our one last community dinner with those who have become our dear friends and family here in New Mexico.

"It will be sad not living in the house Esau was born in anymore," he tells me. Sigh, I say with a lump in my throat, "Yeah, but we'll have more houses that will be just as dear and create new memories with babies born, birthdays, potlucks, drumming circles, parties, and all those good things."
I don't think either of us anticipated being so sad when we left here. We kept saying this day would come, but never really saw it here. Now with only 2 days left, we are feeling as if the new experiences and adventures that we so wanted before are actually so small in comparison to how much we gave our lives to this place. New Mexico and those we have met here will be missed and never forgotten.
We have been using our time as wisely as possible seeing those friends who will be tough to stay in touch with for one reason or another. Never fear though, there will be "Free Beer & Chicken" waitin' for us at the pearly gates someday.

Sam (friend to the Hoosier Hippies)


noradawn said...

You were right, this was a sad post! I felt like I was there with you, smelling that chicken and incense. I'm thankful you started a blog so I can check in with what's going on!
Lotsa love,

Kellie said...

Hello Weavers,
It is day three of your move and I am sitting here in Las Cruces waiting for that "time will ease all pain" shit to kick in cuz everytime we see your faces in the beautiful pictures we have all over our home, I get all choked up which is not a good look for me!!LOL I just miss you!!!! Actually, I am excited you are able to make such a move to be closer to your families. They are going to love having you so close and I know (hope :-) you will love having them too. LOL
Eric, Dawson did not immediately know what a hand truck was, so THERE, MR. Smartypants!!!
Lindsey, love you, love the pics and the songs, keep them comin.
Esau, We love you and miss your silly self. We love that you know who we are and that you know our names. You are so smart. Keep mommy amd daddy in line with lots of giggles and getting into stuff.

KJ, Baby J, and ok, Dipsonorticus too.

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