"I could not at any age be content to take my place in a corner by the fireside and simply look on."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A night on the town (well actually just half the night)

Erik and I decided that it'd be nice to just go out and have sort of a "date". So, us and our friends Beth and Chris bought tickets to see Todd Snider at the Bluebird. It was great! We even were able to go out to eat before the show....at a Mexican restaurant no less, of course the food is not as good as actually being in New Mexico, but it will have to suffice for now.

Here we are waiting in line to get into the show...we had to make sure that we got seats! these ol' timers can't stand all night long anymore :-)

Beth and I were gettin' "all jazzed up" to go out! (me at 23 1/2 weeks prego! almost 6 months)

Todd Snider (we had great seats!) he's so cute!


MamaWestWind said...

Hey! Nice to have a date! You don't look anywhere near 6 mos pg. I feel about 8 mos, at just 6 1/2. lol

TheWeaverFam said...

It is nice to get out once in a while :-) I saw a picture of you and you look great!!!!

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