"I could not at any age be content to take my place in a corner by the fireside and simply look on."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Suspicious Silence

Erik just left the house to run some errands. I thought, "what a perfect time to quickly check my email." Of course while at the computer I have to religiously check the blogs that keep me up to speed with all of our friends in the southwest. As I'm sitting, enjoying the quiet....ahhhh, some quiet....wait, the quiet....it's a strange thing to have a house that occupies children to be quiet. I don't remember Erik saying that he'd take Esau with him. It's raining and yucky out and I had just mentioned about how Esau felt a bit hot, meaning I was suspecting something was up with him. I looked around, nope he's not in the living room....hhmmmm. Our house is not big in the least, so I should be able to hear him. Where could he be? I heard a small snap in the bedroom, a familiar sounds that happens when the lid to the wipes is taken off. I peek around the bedroom door, up looks a suspect Esau with a huge grin on his face, "Clean up, Mama. ohhhh, mountain." Esau had taken all of the wipes out of the box and placed them in a huge jumbled pile. "Do you have a mountain of wipes, Esau?"
"Yep! clean up Mama," he replied.

How could I be upset in the least? I had just said that he could help me clean the sheets from the bed and he was helping in his own way. He knew that wipes are used to clean, so why not use them to clean the bed that the sheets were on, certainly the bed is dirty too. (Note to self, must start using cloth wipes for many reasons other than the fact to reduce "mountains" of wipes) The things a two year old does to imitate and interpret the actions and words of adults. The suspicious silence only makes me more suspicious. Esau lets me know about this silence by doing the universal sign for quiet.

1 comment:

Hanwisi said...

angel i tell you. that kid is just an angel. i miss u guys. muah

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